As humans beings we constantly strive for happiness. So how do we achieve happiness? The key towards happiness lies in prostration.
So how do we attain happiness daily?
The first step towards happiness each day is Fajr prayer, so why not start your day with it so that you are under the protection of Allah the almighty. Fajr is the first step towards success.
One of the greatest problems couples may be facing while unaware, is their inability to focus on each other's needs. Sometimes, while absorbed in our own work and thinking, we forget to give due attention to our spouses or focus on their needs. Realising that could have a great impact on deepening the bond and appreciation between the couples. Don't forget to pay attention to your spouse's needs.
We all want to attain happiness, success and prosperity in life. Success can certainly mean different things for various people and it is about being the best version of yourself. Success is not necessarily measured by material pursuits but rather it is about having contentment and being happy in life. Essentially the primary goal of a believer is to ultimately attain success in the Hereafter.
Read More...Why do Muslims pray 5 times a day? Find out in this short (2:46s) video.
What are we doing to revive the spirit of Eid?
It goes without saying that the memories created as a child are the ones that stick for the rest of your life. If the only difference for Muslim children on Eid day is the addition of a trip to the local mosque for Eid prayer, some extra food and a quick visit to their uncle’s house, then there’s no wonder they are becoming more and more detached from this beautiful tradition.
Read More...A brief but important reminder (4:30) about the Quality versus Quantity in relation to Islam and Muslims.
What is the purpose of Ramadan. What do Muslims hope to achieve in Ramadan? Is it just to fast for 30 days or is there more? Watch this video (4:53) to find out the real reasons behind Ramadan